Guiding Women to Guide themselves

The story of OM

OM. Our Mother. Our Midwife. Our Matriarch. OM. The universal sound, unlimited and eternal. The seed sound of all creation. A frequency found in all things throughout nature. OM. The centre of hOMe.

OM. Home of the divine Mother, founded on the roots of wild mother wisdom. The ancient knowledge inherent to all women. OM has a soul mission to return all women to their intuition.

With a calling to serve women, Our Midwife was created by Tanya as a warm place to bring women home to birth. Her passion and devotion to Women and Birth has expanded the work of Our Midwife, embracing her duality as Our Matriarch.

A woman who embraces her gifts to lead by example, Tanya is held in the hearts of many with deep gratitude, love and respect as Our Midwife and Our Matriarch.

Welcome Home to the place where women come to be Earthed in Sisterhood.

Our Midwife is Our Matriarch. Our Matriarch is Our Midwife.

Iโ€™m Tanya

Iโ€™m here to rise the vibration of health as an divine Mother, wise woman, soul aligned Matriarch, Midwife and Earth Sister.   As a real food enthusiast, with a love for cooking and sharing meals around the family table, I love and honour my physical body as the temple that gifts me life on Earth. My children are my biggest teachers and I trust and believe in the divine nature and beauty way of life.

I was gifted a soul contract in this lifetime, to be with woman on their transformational journeys.  Drawn to my magnetic aura, women are attuned to my innate nature to believe, lead, guide, love, embody and mirror divine mother energy.  As a keeper of the way and a pillar of wisdom, I will guide you to guide yourself towards your higher path.

Born to midwifery and motherhood simultaneously at the turn of the century, 1999. What amazing parallel journeys to travel!  I have now been a Mother for as long as I was a Maiden, working with women and their families for more than two decades during this lifetime. Born and raised on the Atherton Tablelands, Australia I am deeply connected to this place I call home and the community I serve.

I canโ€™t deny the influence that my personal journey through pregnancy, birth and motherhood has had on my soul aligned path and growth as a Midwife, Mother, Wise Woman and Matriarch. The decision to birth my five children at home, with the support of a Midwife, has inspired and formed my deep why and how I live my life. My intuitive, powerful and transformative birth experiences truly illuminated my trust and belief in all women to reclaim and write their own stories.

Balancing the demands of motherhood whilst continuing to support and care for women and their families in public health services over the past two decades, I have truly lived and walked the different realms of maternity care as a Midwife and a Mother.   However, providing Soul Aligned Midwifery Care has truly expanded my heart and the love and honour I hold to work with Mothers.

In this pivotal era, I am determined to be the lighthouse illuminating the path of the Sustainable Soulpreneurial journey anchored in Matriarchal Templates and Body Sovereignty.

In love and health. TANYA. x.

Our Mission

Using the ancient art of spiritual midwifery, guiding women to reconnect with their intuition and follow their inner compass, reclaiming sovereign power as the creator of their soul-aligned journey. 

Looking to birth at Home with a Soul Aligned Midwife?