Women reclaiming Birth into their own hands in their own homes is the solution to healing humanity

The Homebirth Journey is Our Midwifeโ€™s signature, in person Earth offering for the woman with a vision and desire to birth at home, with a Soul Aligned Midwife.  These care package offer support to women for the Full Circle of their Pregnancy, Birth and Post-partum journey.  The Homebirth Journey brings you an attuned balance of Midwifery Care and Wise Woman Matriarch magic.

If you are here, I know you feel a soul calling to birth your baby at Home, and you desire to know more about this path. Are you ready to embody self-responsibility and be the authority of your birth experience? Do you also feel called to be held by a Wise Woman on your sacred journey? I may be the Soul Aligned Midwife your heart is leading you to.

Imagine feeling held in a frequency of grounded strength, knowledge, safety, light, and nurturing love on your path to Homebirth and beyond? I radiate pure joy and passion for women, babies, and midwifery. An energy that illuminates your inwards journey to find that new version of you.

A true warrior to my light, my inner strength facilitates a space for you to rise to the spirit of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. Watch me step back and trust in you to know your deep intuitive direction. I will witness you accessing portals of your subconscious to find your own inner strength and power for birth and beyond.

My connection to spirit and the land along with my intuitive wisdom reflects a deep-seated trust in you as a woman. As you embrace this journey, I will always return you to yourself to source strength from mother earth, the energetic ether and deep within your roots. If you are ready and willing to do the work, I will lead you to the powerful, intuitive birth experience you desire.

The Homebirth Journey

I am committed to holding a frequency of trust and compassion, whilst encompassing the needs of your body, mind, spirit, and soul. I honour the mother, baby, and family unit as I support you in making decisions that are in alignment with your highest needs and values.

My knowledge, training, experience, and reputable relationship with local health care facilities provides a background of accessible resources in times of need. I will support you with additional information, to guide you in making decisions should you need to navigate unknown and unexpected pathways throughout your journey. I hold confidence in your ability to navigate the choices and pathways this journey presents.

Are you seeking a beautiful blend of a divine mother, wise woman, soul-aligned midwife, and health care professional all in one? If this is the support and energy you are desiring on your journey, I am ready to be invited to walk beside you.

I will honour the truth of your unique journey, and confidently walk beside you on the path home to birth. I trust in your body and inner strength to rise in your transformation to mother. Do you?

If you are feeling a full body YES, please book a free meet and greet call with me, as it is important that you feel into your intuition and whether we feel energetically aligned for your sacred journey.  Which Homebirth Queen are you?

Birth is a Frequency

Birth at Home

  • The Maiden

    The woman becoming Mother for the first time. Maiden to Mother.

  • The Redemption

    The Mother ready for her birth redemption at Home.

  • The Loyalty

    The Mother returning her loyalty to Homebirth again.

What else do I receive on The Homebirth Journey?

All Homebirth Journey packages follow a similar framework, tailored to meet your unique needs. Stepping into The Homebirth Journey is an investment in you and your relationship with your highest-self. In exchange for your investment, you are inviting your Soul Aligned Midwife to provide continuity of care throughout your pregnancy, labour, birth and post-partum. The key focus of this journey is the establishment of a relationship founded on trust, integrity, self-responsibility and authenticity, woven with elements of clinical midwifery care.

Care can commence as early as 8-10 weeks and continues for the 10 moons of pregnancy, the duration of labour and birth and up to 7 weeks post-partum.  Pregnancy visits take place in your home or an agreed location, at mutually convenient times for us both. Partners and siblings are welcomed and encouraged to be included and involved at your will.

Monthly visits commence after booking-in and eventuate to fortnightly and weekly visits in the last trimester of pregnancy. At least an hour is allowed for this time of sharing wisdom, guidance, and clinical care, which includes physical well-being checks for both you and your baby.

Nurturing our relationship is the focus of our journey as I lead and guide you in preparation for your birth and transition to motherhood. We will explore and open discussions about your expectations, anxieties, fears, hopes and desires for your birth and post-partum.

You will receive care and support via phone and in your home for labour and birth, with on call availability commencing from 37 weeks. This includes clinical care and monitoring of you and your babyโ€™s wellbeing throughout, continuing for 3-4 hours post birth with a second midwife in attendance for the actual birth (this is a legal and safety requirement).

Post-natal visits are tailored to meet your needs with more frequent visits in the first week, progressing to weekly or fortnightly visits for up to 7 weeks post-partum. These visits are focussed on sharing of wisdom, birth debriefing, navigating post-partum emotions and adjusting to motherhood. Additional lactation support and honouring the sacred fourth trimester is a key focus. I am available during this time for extra phone support outside of routine visits, as required.

Note: Our Midwife, Tanya Pensini, is a registered endorsed midwife in private practice. Reference is made to the ACM guidelines for consultation and referral and the NMBA guidelines for Privately Practicing Midwives accordingly.

What is a Soul Ali gned Midwife?

When a Soul Aligned Midwife meets a Soul Aligned Client, Magic Happens. You have an ease of connection that feels like a lock and key. Itโ€™s a full body YES when you make first contact with each other. Itโ€™s that magnetic aura you feel pulling you to be in relationship with each other. Your Soul Aligned Midwife is aligned with her purpose and authentic self as much as you are.

Our Midwife honours the wild primal instinct of birth.  She is the wise woman who believes in the organic nature of motherhood and the inner knowing that women carry from their foremothers.

Our Midwife worships the intimacy of relationship that must be nurtured as she guides you towards your highest desires for birth.  The journey with Our Midwife is guided by your intuitive knowing and reclamation of self-responsibility and choice, encompassing the unique needs of you and your family.

Birth is an initation to Motherhood

Birth is a womanโ€™s sacred rite of passage to motherhood holding life-long significance on the health & wellbeing of mothers, babies, families and communities.  Our Midwife trusts, nurtures and honours the spirit of pregnancy, birth and motherhood and believes in the strength of women to grow, birth, nourish and nurture new life into this world.

Attuned with a harmonious balance of Midwifery Care woven with wise woman guidance, Our Midwife places you as the authority on your journey. Your birth story belongs to you.  The choices you make around your birth belong to you.

You are a vessel of creation. Birth sets the blueprint for our life on earth and the way we live and Mother.  Our Midwife is here to guide you on your journey as you create your birth story.

Nurturing a relationship built on the foundation of honour and trust, my vision is to see all women shine as the Goddess on their path. I honour the Temple you create as you invite my magnetic, loving energy into your field along your sacred journey to motherhood.

FAQโ€™ s abou t Homebirth

  • Yes. It is currently legal in Australian for women to choose to homebirth. Privately practising midwives are required to meet safety and quality guidelines defined by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. However, there is currently no insurance or medicare rebate available for the homebirth component of private midwifery care.   For this reason at Care Contracts are implemented at the commencement of care.  I provide paperwork for you to register your baby with Medicare and for access to Centrelink payments. I also provide the Queensland health Baby record and instructions to register your baby and apply for a birth certificate.

  • I like to ensure that my energy is abundant and balanced with my output. For this reason I limit my commitment to 1-2 women birthing per month (on average). I do have women contacting me even days before they miss their period. I also block out some months for self-love. So if you want to ensure availability, check in early or even in your planning phase pre-pregnancy.  As I limit my commitment to 1-2 women per month it is best to get in touch as early as possible if you are keen for this journey. Bare in mind I also take certain months off for personal leave.

  • Our Midwife is located in Atherton, currently servicing the Atherton Tablelands, Cairns, Port Douglas and Innisfail areas. Additional travel costs apply.

  • Investment in the Homebirth Queen offering starts from $7500. Additional out of pocket costs are further influenced by location, previous birth history and returning clients.

    A Non-refundable booking in fee of $2000 is required at time of confirmation of booking. Payment plans are suggested, and fees are paid in full by 36 weeks.

    All packages include on-call and birth fees for the primary and second midwife, the birth pool and medical equipment and oxygen hire. Travel fees are inclusive for women on The Atherton Tablelands.

    Medicare will pay for your antenatal and postnatal care components when you provide written consent for me to bulk bill these services.

  • To get started please book a free meet and greet call with me, as this it is important that you feel into your intuition and whether we feel energetically aligned for your sacred journey. Once you have a full body yes to this offering, I invite you to seek a referral from your GP for โ€œPrivate Midwifery Care for Antenatal and Postnatal Careโ€. This is a requirement to access Medicare funding. Once you have this, we can get started on our journey together.

  • I have share care agreements with Cairns, Atherton, Innisfail and Mareeba Hospital which establishes transparent communication and collaboration if needed at any time along your journey. If transfer to hospital is required during labour, I can accompany you, however, once in hospital my role is purely as a support person and clinical care is handed over to hospital staff.

  • Midwifery skills, suturing equipment, oxygen, suction, adult resuscitation equipment, IV cannulation, IV fluids and medication for emergency situations.  I also carry oxygen, suction, neonatal resuscitation equipment, neonatal saturation monitor. I am equipped for routine clinical care with infant scales, neonatal screening and new-born examination. A referral can be made to your local hospital should you wish to access the new born healthy hearing screen.

  • I am a registered endorsed midwife with a Medicare provider number. This allows me to order midwifery relevant medications if needed, as well as any routine prenatal blood tests or scans you may choose to have.

Homebirth Enquiry

I know you have questions about finding your way to Home Birth.  If you are feeling a deep soul calling to be guided by Our Midwife in one of her offerings, please book a free Meet & Greet call below, to feel into the alignment of our energy, and explore the offering that best suits your unique blueprint.